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*Recordings of all sessions will be available for one week to all registrants.
Tentative schedule:
[Mexico City time]
Fridays: 19.00 - 20.30
Saturdays: 10.00-14.00; 16.00-18.00
Sundays: 10.00-14.00; 16.00-17:30
[Pacific time] 
Fridays: 6 - 8.30 pm pdt
Saturdays: 9am-12pm; 4-6 pm pdt
Sundays: 9am-12pm; 4
-5:30 pm pdt
NOTE: Time changes to PST Nov 3 

Oct. 11-13

Heart Drops of the Dharmakaya Pt.1

with Geshe Dangsong Namgyal

This practice is based on the instruction manual Kunzang Tuktik (Heart Drops of the Dharmakaya), a complete set of practices that includes all the practices of the Dzogchen Great Perfection written by Shardza Rinpoche. 

Whether you are an experienced meditator or you are curious and wish to learn something about meditation, join Geshe Dangsong Namgyel for lecture, meditation, questions, practice, and inspiration!

Start from the rushen practice and then move forward to deeper meaning of Dzogchen meditation space of nature and luminosity. Understanding how our actions, words, and thoughts interact brings us closer to self-realization. Depending on the sources of the problems in our lives, he will teach Tibetan practices called Rushen that work with the body, speech, or the mind a collection of exercises, visualizations, sacred sound practices, and spacious meditations. We practice with the body to reverse illusion. We practice with the speech to remove strong attachment of speech. We practice with the mind to obtain the positive quality of thoroughly refining our mind with the ability to transform whatever we focus upon.

Oct. 18-20

Heart Drops of the Dharmakaya Pt.2

A complete guide for the stages of the Dzogchen path. The Kunzang Nying-thig by Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen is a powerful and practical instruction text which cuts to the heart of Dzogchen meditation. 

See above

Nov. 8-10

Naga Sand Mandala & Ritual

First Naga Sand Mandala in Mexico!

Kunsang Gar Mexico is honored to present the special Naga Sand Mandala Ritual with Geshe Dangsong Namgyal and Geshe Yungdrung Kalzang

This extensive Five Naga King Mandala Ritual was given by the enlightened master Tonpa Shenrab approximately 4000 years ago in the ancient Bön tradition. It is a two-day clearing, balancing and healing ceremony to remove obstacles to peace, harmony, health and happiness. 

Nagas are the powerful and tempermental beings that rule the earth and waters. As human activities often disrupt and poison the earth, the Nagas respond by causing many illnesses and problems to our health, society and environment. There is a category of disease caused by the Nagas which are often resistant to normal healing methods or medicines. With deep focus, conviction and faith during the ritual, many problems can be resolved, including the physical, emotional, and mental health of attendees, family, and communities. Remarkable healing outcomes have been experienced through making the extensive offerings and prayers.

Another benefit is the attainment of wealth or abundance, not necessarily monetary, but also in terms of well-being, housing, aid, peace, or harmony, etc.

As for the well-being of the earth, it's elements, and all beings throughout the realms, a strong and successful ceremony can serve to diminish the occurrence of phenomena such as fire, flooding, earthquakes, and so on.

Nov. 15-17

Nampar Gyalwa Prosperity Ritual

with Geshe Namgyal and Geshe Yungdrung Kalzang


The ritual of the Namgyal Yangdrub (Accomplish Prosperity of Nampar Gyalwa)  is an important ancient ritual that unites the energies of the ten deities of the principal deity of the mandala, and the one hundred and eight glorious protectors who rule the world, thus fulfilling all the needs of the individual and the human being.

This amazing ritual text has been translated from the Tibetan for the first time and will be performed it for the first time in the West. The ritual includes the infinite resources of the universe that are available to human beings for their practice, both in immediate and ultimate terms: the qualities of liberation, the world’s economic resources, physical and mental strength, the glory and dignity of being alive, the ability to subdue enemies, protect friends, and achieve world peace, cultural skills, reproduction, and world peace.

At the same time, we will also perform the traditional ceremony of the “vase of prosperity” for your home and surroundings. This vase is a treasure vase filled with all the necessary ingredients, mantras, and blessings, and if you keep it in your home, it will have the power to bring you longevity, prosperity, and good fortune for as long as you live.

Geshe Yungdrung Kalzang was born in Kham, Tibet. He studied monastic courses at Pula Monastery and later at Menri Monastery in India, studiying Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen in the Yungdrung Bon tradition; he received his Geshe degree in 2018. He is the main teacher in Bon Center Yundrung Dhudul Ling in Russia. He served as an advisor for Geshes' special research in a monastery. 

Geshe Dangsong Namgyal is noted for his extensive knowledge of ancient script and translation ability. His teachings are often new translations from ancient texts of the Bön tradition. For more information regarding Geshe's qualifications, visit the  "Geshe Namgyal" page.

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